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 I think this is what you need

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I think this is what you need Empty
BeitragThema: I think this is what you need   I think this is what you need Icon_minitimeMi Aug 03, 2011 2:52 pm

Hello. So I'm just curious:why can't you just remove, say, one or two of the VOB files, then burn everything that's left over?I'm speaking of the following scenario: use a program (like DVD Decrypter) to do an exact copy to your Hard Drive. So you then have a folder that contains the VIDEO_TS folder and all of the VOB IFO BUP files. Then delete a single VOB file. Then use another program, say, Nero, to make a DVD with the files left over. What would happen? Would the menu be broken? Would the DVD be playable? 2.What's a free alternative way to re-author (if you don't want to re-encode any of the video) instead of using DVDReMake ? 3. zippyd: you indicated that you can use DVD Shrink to just replace a "title" (by which I think they mean a VOB?) with a still image... Why (technically) is this necessary? Can DVDShrink be used to just remove some elements and rework the menu without doing any re-encoding (i.e. zero compression)?[Update: actually, I see from the "full disk backup" demo , , that you can choose "no compression", but am I correct in thinking that if you use DVD Shrink to re-author (i.e. remove elements), you're always going to lose the menu? ] Thanks! 08 Jan 2005 @ 6:52---
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